Ebb Flow: 12.5”x85.25”x3”
laminated poplar, acrylic paint

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Ebb Flow is a low relief landscape fabricated from ¼” slats of poplar.
This work unites an interest in illusion to the three dimensional form. 
The slats are cut in a wavy profile and laminated together in a stepped fashion creating an undulating motion. 
The surfaces are intricately painted in varying checkered fashion.  The painting style works in a similar way that
pixels work to create illusion in digital photography, producing a range of solid areas to airy areas
depending on the color and/or quality of the combination of rectangles.
 The completed work is a play between what occupies space versus what gives the illusion of space. 

Ebb Flow: 12.5”x85.25”x3”
laminated poplar, acrylic paint


Ebb Flow: 12.5”x85.25”x3”
laminated poplar, acrylic paint


Ebb Flow: 12.5”x85.25”x3”
laminated poplar, acrylic paint